Pi Kappa Phi Brothers Ride Coast to Coast to Give Back
Havasu, AZ- Florida State University Pi Kappa Phi brothers Andre Batista and Stewart Beshears have spent the summer of 2016 giving back to the community in a unique and profound way. This summer, Andre and Stew are joining their brothers from across the country in Pi Kappa Phi’s Journey of Hope, a cross-country bike spanning over 4,000 miles. The ride benefits The Ability Experience, which is Pi Kapp’s national philanthropy that supports individuals with disabilities. Riding all summer from California to Washington, D.C., Andre and Stew have committed most of the past year to training, fundraising, and to the two-month ride itself.
Before even getting on a bike, each rider is asked to raise money to benefit the Ability Experience. The event brings in around $650,000 each year, most of which comes from friends and family of the riders. As a philanthropy event, the Journey of Hope is remarkably cost effective. Participants are fed, housed, and cared for by volunteers, meaning that the vast majority of funds raised benefit the Ability Experience directly. Once riders have reached their fundraising goal, they are officially invited to participate in the Journey of Hope ride, which begins in early June and lasts until mid-August.

Though the ride itself is exciting, Andre and Stew believe that the best part of the experience comes in the friendship visits. During these visits, riders stop at community centers across the country to spend time with people who are receiving direct support from the Ability Experience. The money raised by Journey of Hope supports the construction of handicap accessible facilities like playgrounds, as well as efforts that empower individuals with disabilities like the Special Olympics. Being able-bodied and supporting those less fortunate has given Andre and Stew a profound sense of the benefit of giving back, especially when they are able to see the impact of their efforts first hand.
The 2016 Journey of Hope runs from June 8th to August 13th, covering over 4,000 miles from coast to coast. Fundraising efforts continue for the duration of the ride.