Past Campaigns

Round Up

FSU Round Up is a charitable initiative created by Florida State University's Office of Business Services. The program allows customers at select campus retail locations to "round up" their purchases, with the extra change automatically donated to the FSU Food For Thought Pantry. This pantry supports currently enrolled students who are facing food insecurity. Participation in FSU Round Up is completely voluntary and is available for point-of-sale transactions made with credit/debit cards, Dining Dollars, or FSUCash. The initiative offers an easy and impactful way for the campus community to contribute to alleviating food insecurity among FSU students.

Click Yes

The Click "Yes" campaign officially launched in the fall of 2012. This campaign is as simple as it sounds. Every semester, course registration opens up for over 40,000 students who are given the option to Click "Yes" which then donates $10 to this fund.

Funds raised from the Click "Yes" campaign directly support the Garnet & Gold Scholar Society.

Garnet & Gold Scholar Society

The Garnet & Gold Scholar Society is the brainchild of former FSU President Eric J. Barron, who entered office in February of 2010. The intention of the program is to recognize students who participate in activities fostering the skills of Leadership, Service, Internship, International Experience and Research. Any student that proves their worth in three of these areas will receive the designation upon graduation.

For more information on the Garnet & Gold Scholar Society click here.

Raise the Torch

Protect Our Professors

Protect Our Professors was a fund raising campaign started in the early spring of 2009 by a dedicated group of students, faculty and administrators. Our goal was to raise awareness of the budget cuts facing the university system due to the major economic and fiscal crisis in the Florida Legislature for that year. We also raised money for the purpose of easing financial cuts made to key academic areas of the university. In a matter of months, we raised $140,000 for this purpose.

Protect Our Professors was evolved into the Student Foundation one year later in the spring of 2010. This was done so that the spirit of student philanthropy developed in the original POP campaign could be sustainable and long lasting. The Student Foundation offers a broader mission and can adapt to the economic environment of the university, whether good or bad.

In June of 2010, the Student Foundation Board of Trustees voted to endow $80,000 of the Protect Our Professors fund so that academic programs could be funded from this account for as long as the project exists. We are currently doing research on how to allocate the remaining $60,000 to best serve the faculty and students of Florida State University.

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